Thank you!! “Okay, before we get started, don’t hate me—hear me out. I get a lot of shit done. I’ve raised a family, I’ve been a full-time high school teacher for over two decades, and I have published two young adult novels with more to come if the fates allow. “

People keep asking me how I finished my manuscript while working full time- I always humble myself and downplay it, but I’m not going to do that anymore. I get shit done. I’m going to claim that and share what works for me. People might want to know why not just hear me say aww, it’s not that impressive.

I’m starting a bullet journal today. First item. Start bullet journal.


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I’m similar. I’m a disorganized mess and use anywhere from 5 to 8 calendars at any time.

1. The Bill Calendar to pay bills and have simple things like birthdays and vacations.

2. Phone/iPad. Like you, this is the appointments that happen on the fly. They can go onto other calendars.

3. School year calendar with the cycles, vacations, days, etc. I print out the 12-month one the school gives and will write end of term stuff.

4. School cycle calendar so I can see the cycles at a glance.

5. School vacation calendar so I can have something to look forward to.

6. Lesson plan book which is like an agenda.

7. School Google Calendar which I have synced to NOTHING. School stays at school. Late meetings, etc, go into other calendars.

8. Marker board on fridge. This is my wife’s more than mine but it helps me know her and my daughter’s schedules.

(9. Writing schedule. This is occasional, usually when I feel like I need to work out a change or something. I’ll probably be doing one of these soon. I would’ve last week but sickness descended on my household. Right now, I’m writing this through a bad cough and—I think—conjunctivitis. Hoping to see the doctor tomorrow).

This does NOT include the various To-Do Lists that I come up with on the fly or other notes I make on the Notes app or on scribbled paper. If I don’t do it, I don’t get shit done.

Thanks for sharing!

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