I want to hug you and then sit down for tea in the garden. We banned cell phones this year, and it’s amazing. It is district wide, and we are all kind of shell struck by the impact. Our superintendent started this with the book the anxious generation- actually it started with a parent reading this and then telling him to read it.

I can’t believe it’s 2016 again. I take small comfort in getting through it without the world ending but still…

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I wish Massachusetts would ban cell phones in schools to give schools the power they need to enforce it. I don’t know what they are waiting for. It’s impossible to “police” at teacher-level. Like the shoveling shit against a tide.

I would love tea with you in the garden. Someday 😊

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Great piece. It is properly super hard, yet so is Ace.

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Hugs to you Kristy—so much to juggle for you and your students. Teachers see and feel so much. Some days you just need to put on your oxygen mask first so that you can help them put on theirs. ❤️

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Perfectly put. I’ve been surprised by how many of the freshmen I’ve encountered are already acting like they would have in October/November. This has been happening the last few years. At least it’s not the only thing I’m doing this year.

And then there’s the very real fears WE have about so many of the same things they’re afraid of. It’s…something…

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It’s something all right.

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