Mar 10Liked by Kristy Acevedo

Please tell me you took the Monday off from school after your adventure 😂

Thank you for sharing your story... I can relate. So happy your injury wasn't worse and didn't stop you from enjoying the weekend and community.

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Mar 11Liked by Kristy Acevedo

So glad that you’re healing well and I’m proud of you for making the journey alone! 👏A few months ago I started sleeping with a stuffed bear. We are empty nesters as well. ❤️My bear is a similar size to yours, but lies on his tummy with his butt up in the air (reminds me a bit of Bear Snores On a children’s book.) The best part is my bear is nicely squishy—perfect for snuggling. 💜

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I had a similar moment this year where I wore shoes my daughter suggested might work on me. They were a size up, no big, right? Wrong. Very wrong. When it comes to shoes, I guess they are supposed to fit so you don’t fall on your face which is what I almost did- before my wrist stopped my fall- I also sadly spilled my caffeine for the day

I was not left with a lingering injury though besides a few sore days and I was lucky I didn’t break my glasses.

You are brave, and also you can ask for help sometimes and let people know that you are hurt. It is crazy how vulnerable and scary that is to do.

Also, you did look awesome! And I’m so glad you went to an event where you and your work could shine!

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Oh no! Hope you’re feeling better.

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