I love this. “I still keep in mind the advice of a friend: the nest is never empty. The nest is inside you.” I was thinking of you recently as your Substack has been quiet. I’m so glad to hear your daughters are both doing great. The book stuff is really exciting. I think I will finish my draft today, so I’m celebrating that.

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Congrats on finishing a draft! What will you do to celebrate? I usually get a coconut cake :)

Yes, I’ve pulled back on here a bit so I could catch up with teaching, writing, and my feelings after starting the school year on a FMLA leave. Finally getting into a groove and finding my way. Thanks for asking.

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My younger son is a senior in college and this was the first time tears were shed. It was unexpected and happened at just the right time for me. Hugs to you navigating empty nest--I’m finding it possible to hold the grief of empty nesting and unexpected joys of just me and my spouse in our home in my heart at the same time. ❤️ Hugs to you! And I finally listened to the interview podcast of you on teachers and writers and I loved it! 🥰

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Aww thanks for listening! Yes, empty nesting is a balance of those bittersweet moments and loss along with a new freedom, joy, and quieter pace to the day. Take care ❤️

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